Realm of Eithal
The hidden realm that can be entered through the portal of the Guardian Tree. Eithal is a land full of magic, in which the elements compose everything in existence. The realm is guarded and protected by elemental spirits, and is currently suffering from a mysterious magic disruption that is corrupting the land.
The elements compose everything in the world and are heavily used in magic and technology. The six primal elements are water, fire, earth, wind, light and dark. Many other subelements exist and are derived from a combination of the main elements, such as wood, lightning, ice, metal, etc. Elements combinations and variations are endless and there’s not just one way to obtain a certain outcome.
Elements can manifest themselves in crystallized forms (shards, crystals and crystal clusters); which are widely harvested and used in daily life. For example fire crystals are used for fuel, lighting crystals for electricity, nature crystals to help growing plants, etc.
Each character has an affinity with an element, even if they don’t actively study or manipulate magic.
Element Affinity
While people can make use of the elements and its magic, not all have a strong affinity with them. Those who have an element affinity often sense where the power of that specific element is stronger, and can even hear the whispers of the elemental spirits.
It’s people with this ability that the Adventurers’ Guild has been enlisting.
Spirits of the elements of nature, made of pure magical energy. Lesser spirits are called Sprites, while greater ones (such as the one residing in the Guardian Tree) are called Elementals.
While communication with these otherworldly beings isn’t easy, individuals with element affinity can somewhat devise their words or feelings; especially when the element of the spirit matches that of the element affinity.
Usually an elemental keeps to itself and protects the land, but due to the recent events in Eithal, more and more elementals are becoming tainted and turning aggressive, attacking people who pass through their territory.
Guardian Tree
An ancient tree residing at the center of Emerald Town. It’s treated as sacred and is said to be the embodiment of a powerful elemental spirit, presiding over all other elementals and denizens of Eithal. To cross the portal to Eithal, one has to be allowed entrance by the Guardian Tree. No one knows exactly what criteria it uses to determinate who goes in and who doesn't.