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ES uses a simplified battle system to add flavour to battles, while still focusing more on the roleplay aspect as opposed to the mechanics. During group battles, the number of turns for a target to be defeated is calculated at the beginning of the encounter based on the party's stats, and a summary of the battle is given, so that members can then rp how the battle went, how their characters behaved, etc.




At level 1, characters receive 25 points to divide between five stats:


HP: The amount of health points a character has. When depleted, the character will faint.

ATK: Used for physical attacks.

MAG: Used for magical attacks and healing.

DEF: Defense against physical attacks.

RES: Resistance against magical attacks.


The damage is calculated depending on the attack type.

For physical attacks: DMG = ATK - DEF

For magical attacks: DMG = MAG - RES

For mixed attacks: DMG = (ATK + MAG) - (DEF + RES)


In situations in which a target’s defense is higher than an attacker’s attack; the damage inflicted will always be 1.




When picking a battle class, you can choose any name and lore for it that you see fit. Regardless, the class will fall under one of these three roles: Attacker, Defender or Healer.


Attackers focus on the ATK or MAG stats and in skills to deal more damage to the enemy. They can be physical attackers, mages or a mix of both. Defenders focus on the DEF and RES stats and in skills that help them pull enmity and shield the party. Healers focus on the MAG stat and in skills to heal and protect the party.


The class role defines what kind of training your character is doing and what type of skills they are studying and developing. So for example, while mechanically there’s no difference between using the MAG stat to cast an offensive spell or a healing spell; a mage attacker wouldn’t be spending time studying the arts of healing, and thus it wouldn’t make sense for them to know much about healing. As mentioned above, we focus more on the roleplay aspect of the battle than the mechanics, so keep that in mind when picking attacks and skills for your characters according to their roles.




Members can buy level up items from the store with coins, but every 5 levels, characters will reach a level cap and need a special item to unlock the next tier of levels. These special items can be acquired by participating in official group events.


© 2021 kaleidros

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